Every Wednesday of May our pod is learning how to play basketball with a guy named Cori. Cori is really nice and very good at basketball. This week he taught us how to dribble and a bit of shooting. For dribbling he showed us a bunch of different dribbling techniques: bouncing a ball with one hand, bouncing the ball with one hand and high-fiving your partner with the other and many more. My favourite activity for dribbling was the one where we had to high-five everyone in our class while bouncing a ball. My least favourite was the drill where we had to drop the ball between our legs with one hand holding the ball from the front of your body and the other hand holding it from the back of your body. Then you had to catch it with your hands around the other leg. I don’t know whether I didn’t like it because it wasn’t fun or because I wasn’t very good at it. Maybe it was both?


For shooting we played a game called Hot Shot. This game sounds very easy but trust me it’s not. You have a cone sitting roughly in the middle of the shooting circle, you line up and each person has one shot. If you miss you go to one side of the court if you score you go to the other side. Once everybody has gone, all the people that got it in get to go again and you keep going until you end up with one person left. The funniest thing that happened with this game was when we first heard about it all the boys were so confident and barely any of them actually got it in. We played two rounds of this, the first game was a tie between our teacher (Miss Lock) and two of my friends (Violet & Angel). The second round was won by Miss Lock. Cori told us that boys normally get all cocky before we play and then the girls smash them. I can definitely believe that!

Do you play any sports for your school?

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