Vanquish avail

We have been learning about avails. avails are things that you read or watch. In this case we watched.

We learned this to improve our reading and listening skills.

We watched a movie about a boy called Jesse and a girl called Leslie, who both love to run. The movie was based in the old days, and back then only boys were allowed to race but on Leslie’s first day at her new school she lined up with the boys and raced🏃. All the boys laughed and told her that she couldn’t race but she didn’t listen, she even won 🥇… Her and Jesse eventually became friends, they even had a special place that only they went to. They swung over a creek with a rope that they found to get to the other side. Jesse warned Leslie that it wasn’t stable and that it had been there for years. However Leslie didn’t care and tested it out, she made it across safely and told Jesse to try. One day when Jesse was at a museum, Leslie was part way over the creek the rope snapped in half while she was on it. She fell in the creek and unfortunately drowned😥…

Jesse                    Leslie

I enjoyed researching the words every time the movie had been paused.
I found it challenging to concentrate on the subtitles and not the movie.
My next step is thinking more about the base of the movie.
If I did this activity again I would pay more attention to the subtitles and less on the movie.

Please give me some honest feedback and let me know if you’ve ever done a Avail…