Agree or Disagree

Talofa Lava Blog Readers.

This term my class has been working on persuasive writing (you can get some examples on other posts of mine or anyone else in my class’s blogs). A way that we have been practicing is by using agree or disagree slides. These slides have questions: Dogs are the best animals or both genders are equally as active. For the first question I would disagree. For the second question I would agree. But you can’t just write I agree you have to explain why you agree.

Here’s an example of what to write if you disagree…

I disagree that dogs are the best animals because you have to do so much for them: Walk them, feed them, play with them and even more. I personally think that pigs are the best animals because you don’t really have to entertain them. You can feed the apples that are rotten with holes in them and if you don’t have a paddock for them to live in you could get a Guinea Pig (Which is also easy to look after). You should definitely think about this.

Here’s an example of what to write if you agree…

Do you love to exercise but never really have the time to do it? Well I know a simple way of having time, get a dog!!! You’re probably wondering how is this gonna make me time? Well it’s gonna make you time because you’ll have to make some free time to walk the dog. I have a dog and she loves to run around, she gives me cuddles when I’m upset and she makes sure I exercise even when I really don’t want to. This makes dogs the best animals and I hope you agree.


The aim of Agree or Disagree is to get everyone that doesn’t feel the same way as you to make them feel the same way. My favourite part about doing this activity is hearing other people’s ideas. My least favourite part of this activity is having to wait until everyone is finished with their writing. Go through the slides at the bottom of this post and choose one to tell me your thoughts in the comment. Thank you for reading this post and blog to you later.

Agree or Disagree slides


Phone Possessed!!!


Howdy Blog readers.

This  term Totara Pod (My Pod) have been working on our persuasive writing. On this post you will learn what persuasive writing needs in it, how to use Oreo (F.Y.I. it is not a cookie) and many many more. First I’m gonna teach you about OREO. Oreo is a way of writing a full paragraph that has everything the reader will need to know about the subject you write about. The O stands for opinion, the R means reason, the E stands for example, explanation or Explanation and last but not least is the second O, this O stands for Opinion as well. This is helpful for when you struggle with your writing.


Persuasive writing should always have a conclusion, example etc. You don’t need to have these next 2, but if you want your writing to look really good you should definitely have a historical question (A question that is not meant to be answered) and some wow words (Big words that mean big things).

Do you agree? Let me know what you think in the comments!!!

Make sure to check out my Save The Earth persuasive writing.