Power Pop

Hi Blog readers,

This week we made our own superheroes with Michelle. This task was easy yet difficult.

How To do it…

  1. Go onto your Cybersmart folder in your drive
  2. Make a new slide
  3. Name your slide
  4. Make layout title and body
  5. Go on the first text box name it
  6. Go on the second text box describes the look of your superhero (Including power, name, strength, weakness, Outfit, enemy, sidekick and hair colour)
  7. Go onto the Summer Learning Journey blog or the end of this post to go onto the Craiyon link
  8. Click on drawing
  9. Copy the text on your slide and paste it onto the first text box you see
  10. Make sure all of the full stops become commas
  11. Press Draw
  12. Look at the images that the website has drawn and choose one or more that you like
  13. Take a screenshot of the image/images and put them next to your description

How I found it…

Personally I found it pretty easy, however there were a couple of things that I found hard: turning all the full stops into commas, coming up with a name and thinking of a superpower.                                                                                                      When I looked at my superhero for the first time I noticed that Craiyon hadn’t picked up on everything that I had said.  If I did this activity again I would Try to describe my superhero better than I did.                                                                        My favourite was looking at the images that Craiyon had created for me.                                                                                       My least favourite part was coming up with a name because it took me way too long.

Craiyon Link – Craiyon

My Superhero 

Name – Lightning Lover

Power – Lightning bolts

Sidekick – Pom Pom

Enemy – Kingdom Crusher