Sassy Stepswebs

Bola Blog Readers,

At our School we do this thing called Steps! Steps is a program that we use to help us with our spelling. There are different levels 1-16. When you first start Steps you take a test that puts you on a level. You take the test to make sure the words that you get on it are right for you. I am on level 13 but I started at level 12. I didn’t do Steps last year because I didn’t need it. This year I am doing it but so is the rest of my pod. To start I really didn’t want to do Steps but now I do. I like Steps because it stretches my brain and helps me spell words I didn’t even know existed.

There are different tasks you have to do on Steps: Sentence Builder, Spelling Quiz, Word Search, Definitions and many more. My favourite task on Steps is Spelling Quiz. My least favourites is Sentence Builder and Treasure Hunt.

This is What my Steps looks like

Power Planets

Bonjour Blog Readers,

As you may know already if you have been reading my recent posts. This term my pod is learning about Space! On thursday my class started doing a Planet project. Our teacher put us in 8 groups of 3 and assigned us each a Planet (including Earth)! My group is Emily and Jaxson (Make sure to check out their blogs), the Planet we got is Saturn. Saturn is the Planet known for its rings. We were supposed to get it finished Thursday afternoon but we started a bit too late. My favourite part is getting to research about the planet – Saturn. My least favourite part is when we have to stop!

Unfortunately I can’t find out how to add a Canva video to my Blog. But I will post it when I find out how. If you know how to add it, feel free to comment down below.

Here are the links to Emily and Jaxson’s blogs



Shining Sun!

This Term our Pod is learning about space. This week we have been writing a Sun report. We have had to research, read other reports and even do some science. The science we did was using playdough and placing different sized balls of it next to beads (planets). The beads were on a string placed in order of closest to farthest planets from the Sun. FUN FACT – We are the 3rd planet from the Sun, if we were any closer we would all be dead!

My favourite part of this activity was getting to learn more about the Sun. My least favourite part was nothing, because I loved all of it! I hope we get todo another activity like this soon.

Here is my writing…

What do you think of my writing? Let me know in the comments!

Let me know about something you know about space…

Popping in Pink!

Kia Ora Blog Readers,

What is Pink Shirt Day?

This Friday it is Pink Shirt Day! Pink Shirt Day is about a year 10 boy who got bullied for wearing a pink shirt to School. Pink Shirt Day started 2007 in Canada when 2 students took a stand for bullying. They supported the boy wearing the pink top and didn’t think it was right that people were bullying him for his colour choices. Aotearoa has been doing Pink Shirt Day Since 2009. Do you think it was right that he got bullied for wearing a pink shirt?

What My School Does…

My School always dresses up in pink on Pink Shirt Day, in fact we don’t just wear pink, we have a competition on who can wear the most pink. This year the winning prize is a Pinky Bar (Yum)! We are also doing a Kindness Wall this year. This Wall is for people to write kind messages to people. There are 3 rules for doing this – 1. Don’t write who it as for as not everyone will get one done for them 2. Don’t be silly when out there writing them 3. Write positive things and not negative things. The CSC (Community Services Club) are the organisers for it. But Lilibeth, Addison and I are running it. It has only been running since yesterday lunchtime and there are already 40 messages. WOW!

What You Could Do…

If you want to start supporting Pink Shirt Day, here are some things you could do: Persuade your teacher/principal to do something on the day (even if it is just wearing pink and bringing a gold coin donation), Start doing something like a Kindness Wall or you could even donate some money to The Mental Health Foundation of NZ (TMHFNZ). TMHFNZ have been running this Day since 2012, inspiring tangata to Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū and Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together and Stop Bullying!

Do you do anything for Pink Shirt Day?

Thank you for reading this week’s post. Blogs to you soon!



Basketball Champs

Every Wednesday of May our pod is learning how to play basketball with a guy named Cori. Cori is really nice and very good at basketball. This week he taught us how to dribble and a bit of shooting. For dribbling he showed us a bunch of different dribbling techniques: bouncing a ball with one hand, bouncing the ball with one hand and high-fiving your partner with the other and many more. My favourite activity for dribbling was the one where we had to high-five everyone in our class while bouncing a ball. My least favourite was the drill where we had to drop the ball between our legs with one hand holding the ball from the front of your body and the other hand holding it from the back of your body. Then you had to catch it with your hands around the other leg. I don’t know whether I didn’t like it because it wasn’t fun or because I wasn’t very good at it. Maybe it was both?


For shooting we played a game called Hot Shot. This game sounds very easy but trust me it’s not. You have a cone sitting roughly in the middle of the shooting circle, you line up and each person has one shot. If you miss you go to one side of the court if you score you go to the other side. Once everybody has gone, all the people that got it in get to go again and you keep going until you end up with one person left. The funniest thing that happened with this game was when we first heard about it all the boys were so confident and barely any of them actually got it in. We played two rounds of this, the first game was a tie between our teacher (Miss Lock) and two of my friends (Violet & Angel). The second round was won by Miss Lock. Cori told us that boys normally get all cocky before we play and then the girls smash them. I can definitely believe that!

Do you play any sports for your school?

Thanks for reading this post, Blog to you soon.

Wisdom begins in WONDER!

Hey there blog readers,

Last term and the first few weeks of this term my pod has been reading a book called Wonder. Wonder is a book about a boy named August who has a weird looking face, but don’t judge somebody by the way they look because you may miss out on finding how nice and caring that person is. If you want to read Wonder here’s the link – WONDER


My favourite characters in Wonder are Via (August’s older sister), Jack and summer (2 of August’s friends). My Favourite task I did this week was my graduation speech, but my least favourite task was making Summer’s creative writing medal.


Try out one of the tasks from this week’s wonder assignments…

Anzac Art.

Bonjour blog Readers.

This week my class has done art based on Anzac day. We did a silhouette with a sunrise for the background and a soldier or a group of soldiers for the silhouette part. We got to choose what soldier we wanted and what we wanted to use to make our background. We could use watercolor paint, watercolor pencils, crayons or pastels. I used Watercolor pencils. My favourite part about this activity was seeing all the different designs people used for their backgrounds. My least favourite part was cutting out my silhouette.

Here are some examples of peoples designs…


Abby’s – watercolor paint                                                                        Violet’s – Crayon



Hayley’s (ME) – Watercolor pencils                                                Harper’s – Pastel

Satellites Being Launched!

Hi blog Readers

This term my pod is working on space. On Wednesday we learnt about craters on the moon. We were put in groups of 3. We had many things we needed for this project: sand, bucket, metal balls and a magnet etc. We put the sand in our buckets and had to drop the balls from different heights. To make sure we didn’t ruin the crater we had made when we collected the balls, we used the magnets to collect it. We found that the deepest whole was the biggest ball out of the three dropped from above our heads. To make sure it was an even estimate the person who dropped the ball from their knees did it for all 3 sizes. My favourite part was hearing about how deep the other groups balls dropped in the sand. My least favourite part was cleaning up. On Thursday we learnt about satellites. We were put in 7 groups of 4. Each group got a question we had to answer as a team. My groups question was how do satellites get launched into space. We found out the get launched by rockets. To find out more take a look at the doc above.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Thanks for reading this post. Blog to you soon.

Agree or Disagree

Talofa Lava Blog Readers.

This term my class has been working on persuasive writing (you can get some examples on other posts of mine or anyone else in my class’s blogs). A way that we have been practicing is by using agree or disagree slides. These slides have questions: Dogs are the best animals or both genders are equally as active. For the first question I would disagree. For the second question I would agree. But you can’t just write I agree you have to explain why you agree.

Here’s an example of what to write if you disagree…

I disagree that dogs are the best animals because you have to do so much for them: Walk them, feed them, play with them and even more. I personally think that pigs are the best animals because you don’t really have to entertain them. You can feed the apples that are rotten with holes in them and if you don’t have a paddock for them to live in you could get a Guinea Pig (Which is also easy to look after). You should definitely think about this.

Here’s an example of what to write if you agree…

Do you love to exercise but never really have the time to do it? Well I know a simple way of having time, get a dog!!! You’re probably wondering how is this gonna make me time? Well it’s gonna make you time because you’ll have to make some free time to walk the dog. I have a dog and she loves to run around, she gives me cuddles when I’m upset and she makes sure I exercise even when I really don’t want to. This makes dogs the best animals and I hope you agree.


The aim of Agree or Disagree is to get everyone that doesn’t feel the same way as you to make them feel the same way. My favourite part about doing this activity is hearing other people’s ideas. My least favourite part of this activity is having to wait until everyone is finished with their writing. Go through the slides at the bottom of this post and choose one to tell me your thoughts in the comment. Thank you for reading this post and blog to you later.

Agree or Disagree slides


I WONDER what it will be today

Ni Hao Blog Readers

In Reading at the moment we have been doing tasks based on the book Wonder. Wonder is a book about a boy called August that has a weird face, but you shouldn’t judge a person because of the way they look, if you do then you may be missing out on hanging out with a really nice, caring person. August may look really odd but trust me, when you read the book you will know that he’s a nice person. August has 5 friends but only 3 of them are super close to him (Summer, Jack and Christofer), the other 2 aren’t as close as they used to be. August also has a sister called Via, who is really nice. August get’s a lot more attention from his parents because of his face and Via doesn’t make a big deal about like tons of other people would. Would you make a big deal if you got less attention than your sibling?

My favourite character in Wonder is Summer, She doesn’t care what people think of her when she hangs out with August. She got offered to be in the cool kid group and she turned it down because she knew that would mean not hanging out with August anymore.

The task I will be talking about is my Assignment 3,  write a time in your life when you had to be brave and something good came out of it. I enjoyed this task because it was a true experience. This task was based in 2019 and done in 2024. My favourite thing about doing this activity was getting to share an adventure from my life.

This is what I wrote…

Comment a scary time in your life that you want to share!!!

(If you want to read Wonder, here’s the link)