Wisdom begins in WONDER!

Hey there blog readers,

Last term and the first few weeks of this term my pod has been reading a book called Wonder. Wonder is a book about a boy named August who has a weird looking face, but don’t judge somebody by the way they look because you may miss out on finding how nice and caring that person is. If you want to read Wonder here’s the link – WONDER


My favourite characters in Wonder are Via (August’s older sister), Jack and summer (2 of August’s friends). My Favourite task I did this week was my graduation speech, but my least favourite task was making Summer’s creative writing medal.


Try out one of the tasks from this week’s wonder assignments…

I WONDER what it will be today

Ni Hao Blog Readers

In Reading at the moment we have been doing tasks based on the book Wonder. Wonder is a book about a boy called August that has a weird face, but you shouldn’t judge a person because of the way they look, if you do then you may be missing out on hanging out with a really nice, caring person. August may look really odd but trust me, when you read the book you will know that he’s a nice person. August has 5 friends but only 3 of them are super close to him (Summer, Jack and Christofer), the other 2 aren’t as close as they used to be. August also has a sister called Via, who is really nice. August get’s a lot more attention from his parents because of his face and Via doesn’t make a big deal about like tons of other people would. Would you make a big deal if you got less attention than your sibling?

My favourite character in Wonder is Summer, She doesn’t care what people think of her when she hangs out with August. She got offered to be in the cool kid group and she turned it down because she knew that would mean not hanging out with August anymore.

The task I will be talking about is my Assignment 3,  write a time in your life when you had to be brave and something good came out of it. I enjoyed this task because it was a true experience. This task was based in 2019 and done in 2024. My favourite thing about doing this activity was getting to share an adventure from my life.

This is what I wrote…

Comment a scary time in your life that you want to share!!!

(If you want to read Wonder, here’s the link)


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